Cincinnati Ohio Lawn Care Professionals

Summer Lawn Treatments

EARLY SUMMER: Summer is the time when your lawn is under great stress. By summer, we should have already aerated. Aeration in the summer months is usually not recommended. Additional nutrients added during the summer lawn care treatments will help keep your grass green and the weeds in control. If it is unseasonably dry, it is recommended that you follow up summer treatments with regular watering.

Typically, you’ll be mowing once a week and less if it is extremely dry. If we’ve done our job, you should not have a weed problem and that’s a good thing. Mid-summer, dry weather is not a great time to be treating for weeds. If you have been regularly seeding and aerating over the years you should not have a weed problem (not if we have done our job).

GRUB CONTROL is applied with your Early Summer Treatment to eliminate grubs and will also help with surface insects such as chinch bugs, army worms, sod web worms and bill bugs etc. that feed and damage grass roots.

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