
Spring Lawn Care Treatments

EARLY SPRING: Early spring, your lawn will need some tender care. Grass begins to grow as the temperatures begin to rise and already your lawn is starving for food (fertilizer) and water. Our early spring lawn care treatment provides the nutrients that will get your lawn off to a great start.

LATE SPRING: Hometown Turf follows up in the late spring with another treatment to make sure the grass continues to grow green and hardy. We also want to make sure that weeds are NOT taking root. By late spring, you should be mowing your lawn once a week and there shouldn’t be a weed in sight!

Summer Lawn Treatments

EARLY SUMMER: Summer is the time when your lawn is under great stress. By summer, we should have already aerated. Aeration in the summer months is usually not recommended. Additional nutrients added during the summer lawn care treatments will help keep your grass green and the weeds in control. If it is unseasonably dry, it is recommended that you follow up summer treatments with regular watering.

GRUB CONTROL is applied with your Early Summer Treatment to eliminate grubs and will also help with surface insects such as chinch bugs, sod web worms and bill bugs etc. that feed and damage grass roots.

LATE SUMMER: Summer is the time when your lawn is under great stress. By summer, we should have already aerated. Aeration in the summer months is usually not recommended. Additional nutrients added during the summer lawn care treatments will help keep your grass green and the weeds in control. If it is unseasonably dry, it is recommended that you follow up summer treatments with regular watering.

Typically, you’ll be mowing once a week and less if it is extremely dry. If we’ve done our job, you should not have a weed problem and that’s a good thing. Mid-summer, dry weather is not a great time to be treating for weeds.

Fall and Winter Lawn Prep

FALL: The fall is an important time for lawn maintenance. Fall care will ensure that your turf survives the low temperatures throughout the winter. It will also help your grass rejuvenate from the stress of the summer heat and possibly traffic.

Since people always ask – rake your yard and remove the leaves. Some people think it’s OK to leave the leaves and this can be a mistake. Leaves covering the grass will remove the amount of light your grass gets in the fall and your lawn can die early.  If you’re organically inclined, you can mulch the leaves and reapply to your gardens, shade loving plants and add to potting soil mixes.

Fall lawn care treatment is different from the early season spring treatments. The nutrients used in the fall will toughen the grass – making it ready for winter.  This may also be another good time to aerate (about 3-4 inches down).

Winter Lawn Treatment

Treating your grass during winter will also help your grass rejuvenate from from the stress of the summer heat and possibly traffic.

Our 5-Step Process


First we remove all insect webs and nests, then treat the eaves of your home with a waterproof dust to prevent the rapid return of pests.


Next, forming a barrier between your home & pesky pests, this waterproof spray will defend your home against pests all year long.


Then, this seasonal granular barrier is applied, to keep your home nest-free, and help prevent problems before they exist.


Then, waterproof dust will be applied into the nooks and crannies, the cracks and crevices that can provide pests safe haven.


Finally, aiming at key moisture spots inside the home that pests love. This treatment is a safe, organic way to keep them away.

Stink Bugs

Do not step on this guy! The reason these are called stink bugs is that they stink! Worse, that odor attracts more. We treat the perimeter of your home to help prevent these types of infestations. This has been shown to reduce the infestations of stink bugs, ants, and other pests that would naturally crawl across the sacred barrier between the outside and the inside of your home.

Create an Ant Barrier

Before you see this, call us! Turf X Pest Arrest will create a barrier around the perimeter of your home to prevent these guys coming in!

Stop Spider Migration

A lot of the spiders that are in your house have already been there! Our job is to prevent new spiders from coming in. If you are seeing spider webs crop up around your yard, you could have a spider problem.

Mosquito Control – A Natural Lawn Care Service Add-on

Because of the frequency at which we visit your home, Mosquito control is a logical add-on to your lawn care services. We can include the mosquito control application and follow-up to make sure we have been effective.

Spring Tree and Shrub Care

EARLY SPRING – Oil Applicant: Horticulture oil is applied to control scale and the overwintering stage of many insects. The surfactant action of the oil provides an early start to effective insect control.

SPRING – Root Fertilization: A balanced blend of fertilizers is injected into the root zone, giving your plants a needed wake-up from winter and a nutrient boost to enhance top growth and overall health of the plant. This will provide the plant with enough nutrients to last throughout the entire growing season.

LATE SPRING – Insect and Disease Treatment: Spring application is applied to plant foliage for control of insects such as the Japanese Beetle, (adult grub), Pine Sawfly, Tent Caterpillar, Cankerworm, Aphid, Scale, Mite, Leaf Miner, Leaf Beetle and Sod Webworm. Diseases controlled include anthracnose, rust, apple scab, leaf spot, powdery mildew, etc.

Summer Tree and Shrub Care

SUMMER – Insect and Disease Treatment: A second application of insect and disease control is applied for those difficult diseases and to continue to fight insects. It also protects plant foliage from any new insects and diseases that may become active with changes in weather.

LATE SUMMER – EARLY FALL – Insect and Disease Control: A spray application of insect and disease control to combat persistent diseases and late-season insects such as fall webworms, bagworms, and mites.

Fall Tree and Shrub Care

FALL – Root Zone Fertilization: A balanced blend of fertilizers is injected into the root zone to encourage root growth, winter food storage and healthier growth in the spring.